The Adventures of Molly Murphy

This blog chronicles my move from the idyllic west to a base in Texas, and eventually, to central Germany where I am living and soaking up all of the techno I can handle.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Well, we're back! It was quite the week, and it's fair to say that we're all still a little tired. Minus a bunch of nasty fire ant bites (youch!) and more of the random bruises that I'm quite fond of, however, you could say that we made it back here in what could roughly be considered one piece. The first four days of the week were pretty jam-packed of all sorts of fun/crazy stuff to do, but the final day's activities were punctuated by lots of excruciatingly boring patience-building exercises (read: sit around and wait for hours in the hot sun with nothing to do). Needless to say, a group of 330 twenty-somethings left in a dirt field for 8 hours with nothing to do can get pret-ty creative when it comes to making up things to do. Everyone was so loopy from not really sleeping by then that I cannot tell a lie: if your sense of humor by that point was still at the 3rd grade level, you were downright sophisticated compared to the rest of us. Things that you never imagined you would find funny were suddenly passing as hi-lar-ious as the day wore on. After they turned us loose late on Friday evening, we spent a good part of the weekend properly celebrating the events of the week and some of the things that happened in our absence, like the passing board scores of our Physician Assistant classmates that came out while we were away. It went quickly, but we're right back in the swing of things this week, trying to get all of the loose ends tied up before we graduate here in a couple of weeks. Hopefully, though, I'll have some time to do a better retelling of some of what went on while I was away, but for now, I'll just say that the only wildlife I encountered was a freakishly large jackalope-type snakes, no mountain lions: Phew! Have a good Wednesday!


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