Happy Halloween!

M. left this pumpkin in my care shortly before he left country...he wanted to make sure that I had one to properly celebrate Halloween this year, so it rode in the backseat of my car all the way from Bavaria to Hessen with me. Granted, my dining room looked like a crime scene by the time I was done cleaning it out (maybe M. will help me with that part next year!), but it was fun...I don't think I've carved a pumpkin since elementary school! Hope you have a very happy Halloween, too!
And Happy Halloween to you, Molly! You wouldn't have to go trick or treating in snow this year! It's been a beautiful fall. Love the creation.
I love what you did with the pumpkin. I can't wait till next year when we can carve it together. Can we have roasted pumpkin seeds afterward? I love you.
That last comment was by your husband by the way:)
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