The Adventures of Molly Murphy

This blog chronicles my move from the idyllic west to a base in Texas, and eventually, to central Germany where I am living and soaking up all of the techno I can handle.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Radio Silencia

I'm still here! I swear! I've been distracted by: A) the wedding planning monster (I know! Already! And you'd think I'd know what I'm doing by now, but noooo....!), B) the weary of Iraq funk that has settled squarely upon us, and C) the fantastic weather that has FINALLY arrived in Germany! I promise that as soon as the clouds cover the fantastic sunshine here, I will hole up in front of the computer to regale you with the wildness that was the World Cup, and how very, very glad we all are that Germany was defeated by Italy earlier this week, as we may now finally be able to get a good night's sleep on game nights! And, thanks again for enduring this portion of Radio Silencia programming!


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