The Adventures of Molly Murphy

This blog chronicles my move from the idyllic west to a base in Texas, and eventually, to central Germany where I am living and soaking up all of the techno I can handle.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Mr. President

This is so not like me. But I can't help it. Being on the inside during a war has been an incredible experience: fascinating, terrifying, appalling, incredibly sad. And, sometimes, you see things that will anger you in a way that they never have before, particularly when spoken by people who just...don' get it. And with that, I must say the following.

Dear Mr. President,

We get it. You enjoy invading other countries. In fact, you've made quite a hobby of it in the last few years. You seem to enjoy this activity, well, almost as much as you enjoy giving big, grandiose speeches and loudly rattling sabers, insinuating to the world that it might please you to topple the government of yet another middle eastern nation. In fact, I just got to see your latest idea of whom to attack broadcast on American tv. And such appropriate timing, sir, it being the start to the Memorial Day weekend, and all.

However, Mr. President, before you launch another invasion or depose the next leader of your choosing, perhaps you should consider cooling off, maybe catching a round of golf. Kick back, read the paper. Or God forbid, spend a quiet moment (or maybe two) considering the people who are charged with carrying out your orders.

While you're at it, take a moment to feel the chills that will run up your spine as you are startled by the first volley of a 21-gun salute while sitting at your desk. It happened to me this week, as another dead soldier was honored, and every hair on my neck stood up. With all due respect, sir, I think the same experience would be of benefit to you. Every life is important, and should not be committed to a cause on a whim. Lacking solid military experience or much in the way of experience with foreign policy, I think ceasing your relentless threats to invade any country that displeases you and just sitting back and enjoying a cold glass of lemonade this weekend would be a really...good... idea. Just sit back, sir. Frankly, we've really got all on our plate that we can handle at the moment.

So, please stop, at least on Memorial Day weekend, Mr. President, to think to whom this weekend is dedicated, past, and present. Between your cold glass of lemonade and your next haughty, authoritative speech, just a suggestion: remember them.


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