The Adventures of Molly Murphy

This blog chronicles my move from the idyllic west to a base in Texas, and eventually, to central Germany where I am living and soaking up all of the techno I can handle.

Friday, March 17, 2006

St. Patrick's Day Schloß

Yesterday, I went on a mini-outing to the Schloß Auerbach. Okay, so my St. Patrick's Day outing wasn't exactly Irish-themed, but with a day off, it was a good opportunity to get out and about! It was overcast, but even so, I was able to get some really neat pictures (like the one above!) The castle is along the Bergstrasse: a range of hills that stretches from Hessen south into Baden-Würtemmburg all the way to the Heidelberg Castle. Along the way, it's dotted by various castles (as the name suggests), including Auerbach! Apparently, the Auerbach Castle was built in the 13th century, and is posted at the highest point along the Bergstraße. To see more pictures of the castle, check out the english version of their website!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Het nieuws in Nederland...

So, it's not every day that South Dakota makes national news...or international news, to be sure. But today, my assistant E. came in to tell me that South Dakota has made the front page the Netherlands. Not that the passage of a law which greatly restricts abortion even in cases of incest or rape, is casting a particularly flattering light on the Mt. Rushmore state. It’s one thing to raise your international profile, but for Pete’s sake people… (Oh yeah! That's Dutch at the top of this post!)

Sunday, March 05, 2006


So, just when things were starting to look more spring-like, we had the snowstorm of all snowstorms on Friday. (The photo to the left is in the woods near my apartment.) Now, I know, I know: back home, this accumulation of snow in March probably wouldn't have registered as anything other than normal. But here, whoo boy, it was news! Schools were shut down, people were absolutely panicking and we finally sent patients home at around 2:00 in the afternoon when things really started to get hairy. All in all, it was the big story of the week! And, in true almost-spring-snow fashion, the next day was sun-filled and beautiful. So, it looks like spring is still on its way....slowly. M. left to go back downrange last Tuesday. It was really great having him home...I just wish he could have stayed. Permanently! But, we continue to make our plans for the next time he comes home...and hope that the time passes quickly between now and then. So, on to spring!