Halloween is almost here, and yes, I will be getting my wish to carve the pumpkin
with M. this year! However, it won't be making it's debut until later this week, so 'til then, I offer you an update on what we've been doing other than carving pumpkins! (Oh, and this adorable photo of what I can only suspect are,
ahem, quite possibly golden retrievers dressed up as ghosts?) Okay, so back to non-Halloween related news, it's been a pretty busy month for us (as evidenced by my lack of posting!) We've been spending a lot of time commuting back and forth between the two houses while we catch up with friends in both places. We were at M.'s for part of the weekend, and yesterday, I had time to take M. to Achaffenburg to tour the
Schloss Johannisburg and eat at the fantastic Weinstube in the castle (verdict: yum-my!) The fall colors are at their peak here, and the trees along the river were gorgeous, so we also took a quick stroll around the grounds. We've also been enjoying trying out some new restaurants in my neck of the woods, which has been a lot of fun, too, and just enjoying being at home. It won't last for long, though, as we're gearing up for our trip to Ireland with another couple here in a few weeks to celebrate my friend B.'s 30th birthday...can you say Irish whiskey? B. can! (And I, uh, suspect that M. might be able to, too!) So, it's shaping up to be a quick getaway, but it should be lots of fun. And hopefully picture-worthy! So, until then, thanks for reading and I promise to post more soon!